Welcome to the blog about programming (which is obviously from the name). I work as a programmer and this blog is just a way to take my mind off my problems and have a little fun. Here are some interesting stories and facts about programming that I hope you can enjoy too. There were also tutorials (how to is the most frequently used word among programmers). I'm too lazy to write a long description, and you'd better spend your time on something more exciting.

This blog is running by 1 person. So feel free to contribute in any form. You can write guest post with links on your blog. Also you can suggest changes to existing articles if they contain some misconceptionals or mistakes. I'm using Jekyll - static site generator for this blog and host my code on GitHub, so you are welcome to create a pull request.
(If you are not familiar with html, but still want to contribute - just create google document with post and contact me using email)
I also have Youtube channel, where you can find pretty simular content, but in video format with better visualization.
If you interested in more content - make sure to Subscribe.